#Vindictus private server install full
Permanent Golden Time event (get goodies in your mailbox every 30m ~ 1h while online).Īll new players receive a complementary welcome bundle full of AP, equipment, utility, and cosmetics to aid you in your journey!.Completely revamped enhancement system (up to +20, with fair rates & custom runes).Significantly increased drop rates of rare desirable drops such as OJs or ES.Guaranteed pathways for progression (rather than relying solely on boss drops RNG).

Useful cash shop items that (e.g.: Premium Enchantment Runes) are purchasable from shops with gold/AP, or even obtainable as a raid drop (for a peek at some of our custom shops, see the Shops section below).The maximum success rate of ES have been raised.WB, Force, Enthu ES are usable on all armor types.