Now, select the data labels and open “Format Data Label” and after that click on “Values from Cells”.First of all, select the category chart and add data labels by Right Click ➜ Add Data Labels ➜ Add Data Labels.At his point, you have a ready-to-use SPEEDOMETER (like below), just a final touch is required and that final thing is adding data labels and we need to do this one by one for all three charts. In “Format Data Point”, go to “Series Options” and add 5% in “Point Exploration”.For this, select the needle and right click on it, and then click on “Format Data Point”.

Next, you need to make this needle bit out from the chart so that it can be identified easily.After this, you’ll only have the small part left in the pie chart which will be our needle for the SPEEDOMETER.Now, select both of the large data parts of the chart and apply no fill color to them to hide them.Note: If after selecting a pie chart if the angle is not correct (there is a chance) make sure to change it to 270. At this point, you have a chart like below.In “Change Chart Type” window, select pie chart for “Pointer” and click OK.After that, select the chart and go to Chart Tools ➜ Design Tabs ➜ Change Chart Type.In the “Select Data Source” window click on “Add” to enter a new “Legend Entries” and select the “Values” column from the third data table.For this, right-click on the chart and then click on “Select data”.Now, the next thing is to create a pie chart with a third data table to add the needle. After this, you’ll have a chart like below. Again you need to hide below half of the chart by using “No Fill” for color and I’ve also added a color scheme for the labels.In “Select Data Source” window click on “Add” to enter a new “Legend Entries” and select “Values” column from the second data table.At this point, you’ll have a chart like below and the next thing is to create the second doughnut chart to add labels. For the rest of the fours data points, I’ve used fours different colors (Red, Yellow, Blue, and Green).For this, click on only that part of the chart and open “Format Data Point” and select “No Fill”.

In the “Select Data” window, click on “Legend Entries” and enter “Category” in the name input bar.Now, right-click on the chart and then click on “Select Data”.First of all, go to Insert Tab ➜ Charts ➜ Doughnut Chart ( with this you’ll get a blank chart).To create a SPEEDOMETER in Excel, you can use the below steps: The pointer value is the real value which you want to track. And in the third data table, we have three values which we will use create the pie chart for the needle.You can change it if you want to have a different range. The second data table is for creating labels ranging from 0 to 100.The first data table is to create the category range for the final SPEEDOMETER which will help you to understand the performance level.