Twin-twin transfusion – This occurs when one identical twin receives too much blood while the other twin receives too little.

Maternal gestational or chronic diabetes.Birth defects that affect an unborn child’s central nervous and digestive systems.The following is a list of some of the known causes of polyhydramnios: An enlarged uterus accompanied by a fetal heartbeat that is difficult to detect Īccording to the Center for Maternal Fetal Medicine, the cause of polyhydramnios is unknown in roughly 65% of cases.An ultrasound that indicates your amniotic fluid levels to be 24 centimeters or higher.Swelling on the legs, vulva and other parts of the body.Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing.Accordingly, the following are the most common indicators that you may have polyhydramnios: In general, the signs and symptoms of polyhydramnios typically manifest as a result of pressure exerted on the uterus, bladder and other surrounding organs due to excess amniotic fluid levels. Although mild cases of polyhydramnios often go away on their own, more severe forms must be taken seriously and treated immediately. If you are diagnosed with polyhydramnios, it is important that your healthcare provider monitor your pregnancy in order to prevent any further complications. Most cases of polyhydramnios are extremely mild and occur in about 1% of pregnancies. An overview of polyhydramniosĪs stated, polyhyramnios is an over-accumulation of amniotic fluid during pregnancy.

Please get in touch with Stern Law, PLLC by calling (800) 462-5772 for a free consultation. If you have suffered from an undetected amniotic fluid abnormality, you may wish to consider your legal options. Should your amount of amniotic fluid be too high, the condition is referred to as polyhydramnios.

Normally, while a woman’s amniotic fluid levels may vary, she should have an amount between 800 to 1000 ml. Not only does it cushion a child, it also aids in the development of muscles, the respiratory system, the limbs and digestive organs. The amniotic fluid is an essential part of an unborn child’s life support system.